Livadia Municipality

The Municipality of Livadia is situated in the district of Larnaca, Cyprus. It borders to the south with the Municipality of Larnaca and to the west with the Municipality of Aradippou. It is
one of the newly established municipalities of Larnaca province established in 2011. Over the years, the Municipality of Livadia has experienced a significant increase in its population,
reaching today its 8,000 inhabitants.
Livadia village is home to a unique basket weaving folk-art using cane and reeds, and the preservation of this significant part of the village’s history has now been secured through the
new Craft of Caning Museum, which showcases the art of weaving and was inaugurated in November 2016. The museum is an initiative by Livadia Municipality to create a space to
preserve and share its traditional basketry ‘calamoti’, which is only practised by a handful of women today but was once an incredibly important part of the villagers’ everyday life and
employment. In older days, the women spent whole days of the year paring and splitting reeds in order to make various basketry products, and Livadia is the only place on the island
where ‘psatharkes’ (traditionally used for roofing) are still made, with the craft also included on the UNESCO Intangible World Heritage List. The new museum displays this rich history
in a modern and attractive way within a structure itself made with cane, and comprises a large array of baskets, musical instruments, tools and other interesting exhibits and
information, including a photographic exhibition. The museum is open for schools and tourists to visit as well as any other individual interested in the subject. During cultural events
organized by the Municipality, live performances of crafts and basket weaving take place, bringing the old days into life. In 2018 in the context of a Pancyprian Competition, the
museum was awarded the 1st place in the category of Culture & Environment.
This museum keeps the memory of old traditions alive the heritage and culture of the area, sharing it with younger generations which is of great educational value.


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